Frequently Asked Questions

New Customers

Who does Hassle Free Home Services work with?

Hassle Free Home Services is for busy households, corporate executives, snowbirds, seniors, and generally those who never learned to be handy. In short, anyone who craves the peace of mind that comes with knowing their home is in good hands. Every house requires time and attention or it begins to deteriorate. As the homeowners’ trusted partner, Hassle Free Home Services manages all of the preventative maintenance and repairs needed to keep a home in peak condition.

What is the service?

In a nutshell, Hassle Free Home Services manages your home so you don’t have to. We do this through three basic services: monthly maintenance visits during which our technician handles all of the basic maintenance and minor honey-do needs of the home; we work with service partners to deliver other projects needed like HVAC service, lawn care, window and gutter cleaning, etc; and we estimate, schedule, and manage larger repairs or improvement work on your home.

Do I really need monthly maintenance?

Regular, scheduled monthly home visits make a lot of sense for a lot of homeowners. Not just because it saves you money…

  • We maintain your major systems and appliances and keep them operating efficiently to prolong their lives.
  • We install energy saving devices like timers, motion sensors, and energy efficient lighting that saves you money on utilities.
  • We keep your family safe by servicing smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, fire extinguishers, and by cleaning your dryer vent line.
  • We prevent issues that lead to wood rot and other structural damage.
  • We resolve problem with caulking and grout, leaking water lines, clogged drains, and other causes of damage.
  • We identify ways to weather-proof your home and save you money on heating and cooling bills.
  • Finally, we take care of that “honey-do” list so you can relax and enjoy more time together.

Why should I sign up?

  • Preventative maintenance is often neglected and shouldn’t be. It keeps your home in prime condition, and gives you peace of mind.
  • You shouldn’t waste valuable time waiting for a repair window, or searching online for a painter.
  • If anything goes wrong with your home, you have a trusted team on it immediately.

I already have an HVAC service. Why would I switch?

Additional services (like HVAC) are added on an à la carte basis—you only sign up for the ones you want. We recognize that homeowners may have a go-to plumber, electrician, or landscaper, and we encourage you to use those folks if you want to! We are happy to accommodate any additional service requests above monthly maintenance and preventative repairs.

How We Work

What happens during the monthly maintenance visit?

Our technicians complete a thorough monthly inspection and conduct basic home maintenance tasks. Each month, they’ll change lightbulbs and furnace filters, touch up caulking, lubricate doors, check and clear drains, inspect weather striping, and numerous other tasks as part of an extensive checklist. They also address seasonal tasks that are done once or twice a year like changing smoke detector batteries and cleaning dryer vents. Once this is complete, they’ll move on to your to-do list items like replacing light fixtures, hanging pictures, or other small tasks requested!

How long does the monthly visit last?

Between 3 hours to a full day, depending on the size of the home. Half of the visit is spent completing the maintenance checklist, and the other half is dedicated to minor repairs and your honey-do list.

Who performs the monthly maintenance?

We have a team of trusted technicians who perform monthly maintenance. Once you sign on with us, we’ll assign a technician and a monthly time slot based on your preference. The same technician will come each month on the same day, at the same time (e.g. 3rd wednesday of the month at 1pm).

Do I need to be home for my appointment?

That’s up to you! 70% of our customers provide us with keys or garage codes so we can get in when they’re not home. This allows us to deal with problems without disrupting your busy schedule. Say goodbye to waiting around during a 4 hour window.

Who do I call if I have a question or problem?

Each customer is assigned to a home manager that works in our office. Your home manager is responsible for managing all of the work done in your home, including scheduling, estimates, and quality assurance.

Pricing & Packages

Are larger repairs included in the monthly visit?

Repairs that fit within your visit duration are included in the base cost. For larger projects, we will have our in-house team or appropriate service providers provide an estimate for your approval prior to doing the work.

What if I change my mind? Am I stuck for the rest of the year?

While we are confident that you’ll love our service, we understand that life happens and you might need to terminate your contract. We’ll be sorry to see you go but will definitely not hold you to the contract. We do ask that you give us one month’s notice.

What if I need to reschedule a visit?

When you are a Hassle Free Home member, you are purchasing a recurring slot in our calendar that we cannot use for anyone other than you. We understand things come up and you will need to reschedule visits from time to time, so we’ve created this policy to create clarity around it. We try to keep this all as simple as possible. If you need to cancel, we will bill you and credit you for that appointment. This credit will last for six months. For example, if you cancel an appointment the day before, you will still be billed for that appointment but you will also be given a credit to use for the make up appointment as long as that make up appointment happens within six months.